It Starts with a Location
The Sunderbans is a very challenging areas to live in, and the area is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons and flooding. The population of 19 blocks of Sunderban was estimated at 4.7 million in 2011. It is an area of extreme poverty and ill health exacerbated by access difficulties. Almost half of the population (47%) are historically marginalized groups such as Scheduled Castes and Tribes. More than 40% of households live below the poverty line and 13% are officially declared as the “poorest of the poor”. Out migration of those of working age to cities and towns is very high and the worst social problem is human trafficking. Areas which have good infrastructure which connect communities to the mainland have higher socioeconomic status than island communities where transport relies on the waterways. As survival is the main issue, education and health are not given high priority.
We’re Built on Efficiency
In regions where resources are scarce, a state-of-the-art hospital ship is the most efficient way to deliver medical treatment.
We Create Lasting Change
Our programs include training local professionals, providing new medical tools and resources, renovating facilities, and more. Health statistics based on survey Underweight and stunting were recorded in 40 and 51 % of the children respectively. Of the 561 children, 47 (8 %), had severe acute malnutrition. Weight for height z-score reflecting acute and chronic state of nutritional deprivation revealed that four of the five villages were in critical stage. One fourth of the women had low body-mass-index (BMI). Hygienic practices of women were also poor; 41 % reportedly used water, mud/ash and not soap to wash hands after defecation. Anaemia prevalence in women of all the villages was >40 % underscoring a sever public health situation. Factors independently associated with anaemia in non-pregnant women (698/1090; 64 %) were residential-village, low (<18.5 kg/m2) BMI of women (Adjusted Odds Ratio; AOR = 1.39; 95 % CI of AOR 1.02–1.89), non-adoption of family planning method (AOR 1.86; 95 % CI of AOR 1.36–2.54; p < 0.001) and adopting contraceptive practices other than oral pills (AOR 1.84; 95 % CI of AOR 1.32–2.56; p < 0.001).
Women Empowerment
The development objective of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project is to increase social and economic empowerment of poor rural women in these islands. Empowerment also includes encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency, with a focus on eliminating the future need for charity or welfare in the individuals of the group. This process can be difficult to start and to implement effectively. Many of the barriers to women’s empowerment and equity lie ingrained in cultural norms. Empowerment approach is tried as one of the successful approaches of rural/women development. The emphasis is on collective action for attaining rights, self-reliance etc. to overcome dependency, to encounter with structures, which reinforce women’s subordination.
Livelihood Renewal
Improvements in rural employment opportunities, both on-farm and off-farm, are essential to rural revitalization. Rural development has assumed global attention especially among the developing nations. It has great significance for a country like India where majority of the population, around 65% of the people, live in rural areas. The present strategy of rural development in India mainly focuses on poverty alleviation, better livelihood opportunities, provision of basic amenities and infrastructure facilities through innovative programmes of wage and self-employment. A strong emphasis is placed on promoting participatory processes, building community institutions, fostering self-reliance, and respecting the indigenous knowledge and values of tribal. The village organizations are capacitated to take up responsibilities for implementing the programme. We target the households which are traditionally left outs, including landless, destitute, disables and those who are unable to be part of the Self Help Groups or other income generating activities.The development model is replicable to improve the quality of life with sustainable management of natural resources and to reduce the poverty of the rural people.
Medical Camps
Sundarbans poses its unique public health challenge due to geographical-vulnerability. Securing nutritional support emerges as an immediate need for the study population residing in this natural-disaster prone area of islands and estuaries. The existing situation of anaemia in women requires innovative intervention development and would require addressing health seeking practices. At the onset, we have planned to conduct 4 Medical camps, which would take place between the months of September and November 2021 in the Sundarbans islands of Kumir Mari and Bidhob (2 camps in each island).
The main target is to provide them primary health check-up with an objective to bridge the gap of health care deprivation faced by the inhabitants, for the past few years.
We take this opportunity in inviting your club to be part of these medical camps and extend support with financial help.
Our each Medical Camp(approximately 150 island residents) expenditure is tentatively 1,00,000 which includes:- 3 to 4 doctors (travel and refreshments), Venue decoration and branding, Deworming medicines for children below 15 years, Basic medicines for the camp, Healthy Food packets for beneficiaries
Boat Primary Health Unit
The main threats to these islands is from frequent floods which play a role of the devastation of the communities residing in these islands, thus causing a major concern to the health status of the communities. Construction of permanent infrastructure and health facilities is one of the major challenges in these islands due to the recurring floods. Keeping the challenge of defending the health indicators, the Govt initiated boat clinic service in the year, 2021 for the communities residing in these interior islands. Mobile Healthcare Facilities’ General Medicine Boat Facility is designed as a full service general medicine clinic. Even with its marine mobility, it is still an excellent patient outreach clinic. It provides the healthcare provider a conditioned, safe, and clean clinic to examine and treat patients. Primary services would consist of routine, preventative medicine, and acute medical treatment and much more.
These health camps will follow the launching of a boat primary health unit. This boat will travel from Dhamakhali to these two islands twice a week to provide primary health service to the residents of these interior islands.Under primary health, we are considering any kind of disease like fever, stomach infections, anaemia, calcium deficit, urinary tract infection, etc. Dental & Eye Check-Up shall be followed post primary check-ups. The work of the Boat Clinics can steer to remarkable results by treating 2000 to 5000 people on an average, every month in the interior islands and foster health care access to individuals who struggled and were previously beyond the reach of government programmes because no doctors or paramedics would pay visits on a regular basis.
Ankur (Tutorial home for first-generation learners)
Primary education plays a vital role in every child’s life as it helps in shaping and developing their personality. So, it is considered the foremost and fundamental right of every individual. Primary learning also helps develop their social, cognitive, physical, cultural, and emotional skills. Education develops critical thinking. This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps an individual meet basic job qualifications and makes them more likely to secure better jobs.
Through Ankur, we not only make education accessible to first generation learners but also help them understand a subject to develop understanding and analytical thinking. This helps the child apply the subjects learned in other subjects and in daily activities. The entire learning process at ANKUR has been made holistic, with facilities available for overall development.
Upcoming Projects
Eye Check-Up Camp.
COVID Vaccine Camp for Special Child.
Medical Camp.
Eye Keratitis Treatment.